Monday, March 31, 2008

Saturday, March 29th,2008

On Saturday I went to Sedona, Arizona with Caleb (a minister with Extreme Prophetic), Todd (from the night before), and my buddies who are also involved with XP, Casey and Jerry. For those of you who don't know Sedona is surrounded by beautiful red mountains. So we were going to hike one of the mountains.

We arrived and started our climb and almost immediately we passed a lady on her way down who was limping. Todd was like "Here we go!", then he asked her what had happened and she told us that she hurt her knee. So Todd said "Oh man, you gotta do me a gotta let me pray for you." She said okay. He placed his hand on her knee and began praying. He prayed 3 times and each time she said it felt like it was getting better, but it didn't fully get healed right there. But she said "Thanks guys, that was a very loving thing to do." So Todd just explained to her that loving people and praying for healing was suppose to be everyday Christian life. Then asked her if the name Michelle meant something to her. She said "No", but he asked again. He explained how he was learning to hear from the Lord, so he asked her if a girl by the name Michelle may had done something mean to her a long time ago. She though about it and said "Nope." Then he said okay....then asked her if she liked kids, as in working with kids. She said yeah. Then he said "Yeah you like working with little kids, like 8 and younger. She said that that was her favorite age group. Then he told her how the Lord was telling him that that love for those children are gunna help her foster them for the Lord. She was quite taken back. He really hit the nail of the head with that one.

So then we continued up the mountain. Jerry tried climbing up this steep rock face and feel and twisted his ankle. Todd prayed for 3 times and his ankle felt a little better so he came up to where I was at, and we just kinda chilled there for a few minutes. Jerry was still in a little bit of pain so I asked him if I could try praying for him. So I prayed twice and it didn't seem to help. Then Casey came over to give it a shot, but he wanted to pour coffee on it first. We he did and we got a laugh out of it.

So I was slightly bummed because I wanted to see that lady get fully healed and I wanted to see Jerry get healed but Todd's prayers weren't working and my prayers did do anything. I want to mention this stuff because I think it's important for you to know that not everyone you pray for gets healed. Some days it seems like no one is getting healed, but there's still a seed that has been planted in that person. And just like anything that you want to be good at, you have to keep at it and keep practicing and the more you do it, then the more people you'll see get healed. (by the way, the next day God used Todd to heal a lot of people, more on that later). But see, I'm just starting out praying for healing for people. If I keep doing it, then eventually someone is going to get healed, and the more I keep doing it, there will come a time when almost everyone I pray for gets healed.

On our way down the mountain Todd was talking to anyone he who was walking past us. The wind came up and blew my hat off so I chased it down the mountain while Todd and Casey where still toward the top. While I was chasing my hat, Todd started talking to this father and his 2 younger songs...the youngest one was 7 years old. They started talking about Jesus and what ended up happening was that all 3 of them accepted Jesus in their hearts, got baptized by the Holy Spirit and where speaking in tongues. The youngest son was shaking under the power of the Holy Spirit. After there close encounter of the God kind they followed Todd down the mountain to and he introduced the family to me and told me what had just happened. It was rad.

After that we stopped at Wendy's to get some grubbage. Todd was praying for one of the employees. There were 2 high school kids sitting at the table next to where Todd was praying. One of the kids, a girl, started laughing and at Todd and poking fun at him with the other kid, a guy. When Todd finished praying for the employee he starting talking to them. He was just telling them how Jesus loved them and she continued laughing. Todd told her it wasn't polite to laugh and challenged her to let him pray for them to feel God's presence. They accepted and he prayed and sure enough God showed up and they both felt him. Todd looked up at her and tears where in her eyes and she ran outside not sure what to make of what just happened.

So that was all the highlights of that day...Turn the page.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Friday, March 28th, 2008

Friday night I went down to Mill Ave with a bunch of friends from Extreme Prophetic (XP), Patricia King (the head of XP and a prophet), and a dude by the name of Todd White.

Todd, is 38, was a drug addict for 22 years, and a hard core atheist. About 3 1/2 years ago he had a radical experience that changed his life. While making a drug deal he was shot at from about 10 feet away 3 times. But the bullets didn't make it to his chest. He heard the audible voice of God..."I stopped those bullets for you, now what are going to do for me?" God stopped the bullets. Since then he's been walking with Jesus. Did I mention he has a healing anointing...yeah...he prays for people and God heals them.

So anyway, we where down on Mill Ave...which is right by ASU where all the bars are. It's a huge party spot. Patricia brought a camera crew so we could catch all the rad stuff God was doing on camera. Todd prayed for a man with cataracts in his eyes, and they completely healed right there. He prayed for a guy who had one leg that was about 3 inches shorter then the other and it grew even with the other leg...yeah...all his friends were freakin out. Some of them gave their lives to the Lord right there. There was just so much rad stuff going on.

Then my friends Casey, Jerry and I met a man named Frankie who was in a wheelchair. He was a little drunk and self described "street corner bum". After some small talk we asked him if we could pray from him. He glady said "Oh yeah, that would be great." The he started quoting scripture, and just dropping some biblical knowledge on us. He was preaching, with an authority. So I told him that he had a preachers mantle and he said that he was just a "fuckin' street corner bum." So I told him that he was not a street corner bum but a street corner preacher. Then he told us about how he went to school and major in Greek and Hebrew so he could study the Bible with more depth. So we all were telling him that it was because he was a preacher. He said some other stuff and it became obvious that he loved the Lord but he was really down on himself because he knew the right path (he had a degree in theology) but choose the other path instead. We just told him that was ok and that God loves you anyway and we helped him rededicate himself to the Lord. I looked at him and he was gazing up at the heavens....with all his heart he wanted God. I could see it in his eyes. We also prayed for him to be healed. The reason he was in a wheelchair was because he had metal plates and screws in his legs. So we prayed that he would be healed there on the spot...but he wasn't. But there was an inner healing that took place and as we walked away he told us that he would never forget us.

My Testimony

It all started when I was just a wee lad. I was driving with dad to Idaho and we were crossing a bridge accross the Columbia River. I wasn't talking...I was just alone in my little kid thoughts, probably thinking about legos or transformers or teenage mutant ninja turtles...maybe soda pop and lollipops. Anyway, while I was sitting there off in lala land staring at the foothills, my father asked me if I knew how those mountains and rocks got there. I said "No". So he began to explain to me about how God created the heavens and the earth. That was the first time I'd heard about God.

Before my introduction to God, my parents got divorced and my mom moved my sister and I from Seattle to her hometown of Yakima. Before the divorce, as a last ditch effort to save the marriage, my father got involved with church. My mom wasn't ready for the church stuff, but my dad latched on. Eventually he moved to Yakima too to be close to my sister and I. By the time he moved to Yakima he had completely given his life over to the Lord. So when we saw him he would do what he could to instill in us everything he could about God, and having a relationship with God, and the bible. Then we'd go back to our mom, who was not serving Christ, and do whatever we wanted. Those we're some confusing times as a kid.

But I did get manage to get saved when I was 10, and then when I was abround 15 years old. while we were in church with my dad, the preacher called me up and told me the Lord told him that if I completely surrendered my life to him I would be preaching to the nations by the time I was 17. Well I wasn't ready for all that so my high school years where spent smoking pot, doing mushrooms, getting suspended, skipping school, and just being a rebellious teenager. I was running...running from my calling, running from my mantle, running from God.

When I was 21 I was accepted into The Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences in Phoenix Arizona. That happened to be where my dad was living. He moved down there when I was about 15 out of obedience to God. So I lived with him while I was going to school and once again he did was he could to instill God in me. Soon I was souled out. I wanted to serve the cross. I was reading the bible everyday and praying and asking my dad questions. When school was over I moved to San DIego to do my internship. I got involved with a church (a powerless church) as the lead sound engineer, I was growing as a christian, but my long time girlfriend moved down to San Diego. I told her I was serving Christ and I didn't want to have premartial sex anymore. try telling your horny 20 year old girlfriend you don't want to have sex anymore. It makes them want it more. I first, but her persistence quickly made me give in. So that was my first big stumbling block. After about a year of living in San Diego, heart break hit. She broke up with me so she could date this fancy hairdresser cokehead who could dance better then me. I was crushed. It was a horrible, very bad, no good break up. I'm not going to go into detail about it because her and I have since become fairly close friends, but I was badly hurt. I stopped caring about walking with Christ. I started drinking...a lot. I was consistly drinking Mickey's 40's almost every night after work...sometimes 2 40's. I started going out with people from work and get trashed. I stopped going to church because I'd wake up Sunday morning hungover. Eventually I'd started doing drugs again, but this time harder stuff then pot. I was using ecstacy every now and then. I started using cocaine on the weekends. So I was drinking almost everyday after work, then when the weekend was near my dealer would text me letting me know "the white girl was back in town". As soon as he'd text I'd start making calls to my friends to see who wanted to throw in on an 8 ball, or half a ball, then I'd go pick it up. That's how it went for almost the last six months of my time in San Diego.

Now while I was partying my nose and liver off, God was also speaking to me and nudging me to move back to Phoenix. I wasn't ready to give up my partying, so I resisted for a long time. Then long story short, I got laid off and my living situation fell through all about the same time. Not only that but my music engineering career that's I'd been trying to start never took off. Basically what it was is that God was forcing me out of San Diego. I said "Fine God, I'll do it...I'll move to Phoenix, but I'm gunna party even harder until the day I move!!" So I had 2 month before the move, and for the first month I did just that, but then last month things changed. I went to the Glory School conference with my dad.

The Glory School was a 3 day Christian conference that was being held at the Lake San Marco Resort near SD. I basically went for my dad's sake. I wasn't going into it with a serious attitude. But by the end of it all the desires to drink and do drugs were gone. They we're cut out of me. I wish I could say I never did coke after that but sure enough, the next weekend my friends were like let's get some coke. I really didn't want to but I didn't want to let them I called my dealer up, picked up some it back to the pad...chopped the rock up...railed up some lines...and snorted a thick, long rail straight to the dome piece....and I hated it. It wasn't the same high I used to have. I went up to my room started reading the bible, and praying to God to take my high away. Long story short, for the next 2 weeks before I moved back to Phoenix, I did everything I could to avoid partying, which wasn't easy with the friends I had, but I did it. It was like walking through a minefield and Jesus helped me make all the right steps. Now I'm here in Phoenix (more specifically Maricopa), involved with Extreme Prophetic.

Turn the Page...


Welcome to my blog. My name is Jesse Kade. The purpose of this blog is to journal my walk with Jesus. So far my walk has been filled with breakthroughs, frustrations, awe, loneliness, happiness, confusion, and anger. Yeah that's right...I said frustration, loneliness, confusion and anger. I've been walking seriously with the Lord since February '08. Since then I've seen miracles, seen inner healing, been told I'm nuts, by my own family, been physically attacked by demons, and grown a lot. Just because you become a Christian doesn't mean everything is fine and dandy. The enemy is constantly coming against you. And because I know I'm not the only Christian who goes through these trying times, and because I want other Christians who think they are the only ones going through the tough times to know they aren't the only ones, I'm sharing everything...the good, the bad...and the ugly. Also, if any unbelievers come across this, I want them to see what being a Christian really means and how cool it can be.

So the name "Take It By Force", comes from Matthew 11:12 - "From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force", which means the kingdom of heaven is forcing its way in, and men of force take it. What this means to me is that everything in the kingdom is mine...but I gotta take it. Health, wealth, blessing, favor, honor, the gifts like healing, prophesy, are all mine. But if you wanna be the boss you gotta pay a price. If you wanna walk in glory, you gotta press into to God and walk and talk with him. He wants a relationship...and the more time you kick it with him, the more he will reveal himself and take you into visions, dreams, and release his anointing onto you.

So what I'm gunna do here is "preach", share the miracles I saw, share my divine revaluations, and just share my experiences. And as time goes on the stories and experiences are gunna be more and more crazy. Yeah buddy...i'm excited....let's get this party started. I'll start with my testimony.