Sunday, April 27, 2008

Like Bringing a Knife To a Gun Fight...

Ok...I'm back in the saddle's been a week since the last post...but who really cares. So basically all I've been doing for the last week is watch the Florida Healing Revival on God TV, then watching the Randy Clark School of Healing and Impartation on DVD, and reading like 3 other books at the same time. I've been practicing my gift of prophecy and it's coming out big time. Friday I went the Randy Clark school in northern Phoenix and Randy laid hands on me and prayed for an outpouring of the prophetic and what not, which was sweet. Then I went and go a tattoo on the side of my left hand, below the thumb if you hold yer hand vertically, and to the left of the thumb if your holding your hand horizontally. It's the words "Talitha Koum", which means "Little girl, I say to you, get up." In Mark chapter 5, Jesus said those words to a little girl who was dead and she was instantly raised from the dead. And since I truly believe that I will be raising the dead, I thought it would be a good tattoo to get. Then last night, I did the sound for Club Mysterio, which is where our resident DJ, DJ Caleb, spins trance music and we worship the Lord to that. So that was cool. Okay, I'm bored with this, so peace out.

Gotta go///Gotta rock
-Jesse Kade-

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